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Q: What is the number of moles of chemical units represented by 9.03 X 1024 units?
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What does a coefficient represent in a chemical formula?

It represents the amount of the substance. It can mean the number of atoms, molecules, formula units, or moles.

What is ment by the term coefficient in relation to a chemical reaction?

A coefficient is a number written in front of a chemical formula when balancing a chemical equation. The coefficient can represent the number of atoms, molecules, formula units, or moles of the substance.

Determine the number of formula units that are in 0.688 moles of AgNO3?

0.688 moles*6.02x1023=4.14x1023 Formula units

What is the volume occupied by 2.12 moles of NO?

The volume occupied by 2.12 moles of nitrous oxide is 9.35. A mole is described in chemistry as an amount of pure substance containing the same number of chemical units as there are atoms.

What is the number of moles of sodium hydroxide NaOH corresponding to 10.84 and times 1023 formula units of NaOH?

The number of moles is 1,8.

Is the moles of atom and moles of molecule is same?

The number of units indicated by each description of moles of atoms and moles of molecules is the same and is specifically Avogadro's Number, about 6.022 X 10^23

How do you convert grams to moles using avogadros number?

You don't need to use Avogadro's number, you need the mass of the molecule in atomic units. Mass / molecular mass = moles eg for water, 36 grams / 18 atomic units = 2 moles

What are the moles conversion formulas involving grams and formula units?

FORMULA UNITS TO MOLES (formula units --> moles)Divide the number of formula units by Avogadro's number.----------- Formula UnitsAvogadro's number (formula units)Conversion FactorFormula Units x 1 mol-------- Avogadro's number (formula units)MOLES TO FORMULA UNITS (moles --> formula units)Multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number.Moles Substance x Avogadro's numberConversion FactorMol substance x Avogadro's number---------------------- 1 mol substanceMOLES TO GRAMS (moles --> grams)*Multiply the number of moles by the substance's molar mass.Moles Substance x Molar Mass SubstanceConversion FactorMol Substance x Molar Mass Substance------------------------- 1 mol SubstanceGRAMS TO MOLES (grams --> moles)*Divide the number of grams by the substance's molar mass.---- Mass (g) SubstanceMolar Mass (g) SubstanceConversion FactorMass (g) Substance x 1 mol substance----------------------- Molar Mass Substance (g)FORMULA UNITS TO GRAMS (formula units --> moles --> grams)*Divide formula units by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 1023 formula units); multiply by molar mass.--- Formula Units --- x --- Molar MassAvogadro's numberConversion FactorFormula Units x 1 mol ----------------- x -------------- Molar mass (g)---------- Avogadro's number (formula units) ----------- 1 molGRAMS TO FORMULA UNITS (grams --> moles --> formula units)*Divide mass of substance by the molar mass of substance; multiply by Avogadro's number.---- Mass (g) substance -- x -- 6.022 x 1023 moleculesMolar mass (g) substanceConversion Factor--- Mass substance (g) x 1 mol substance ------ x ----- Avogadro's number------------------------ Molar Mass (g) substance ----------- 1 mol substanceTip: On test day, anytime you see the words ions, formula units, molecules, or atoms on a question, that problem will involve the usage of Avogadro's number.*Finding Molar Mass# Atoms Element A x Atomic Mass Element A (Periodic Table) = mass (g) El. A# Atoms Element B x Atomic Mass Element B (Periodic Table) = mass (g) El. B... etc.Add up all the mass values found above and you have molar mass.

Why is it necessary to convert given units of substances to moles when solving a stoichiometry problem?

We convert units to moles because in reactions atoms of different elements combine in simple whole-number ratios. The whole numbers are related to the number of atoms, not their weights.

What is the number of formula units that are in 5.68 moles of magnesium oxide?

5.68 mol MgO x 6.02E23 formula units / 1 mol = 3.42E24 Formula Units

What are units of iodine?


What conversion factor do you use in converting number of moles into number of formula units?

One mole of formula units = 6.022 x 1023 formula units.