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11.25 tons is 22,500 pounds.

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Q: What is the number of pounds in 11.25 tons?
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Can you convert pounds to tons?

Yes. Divide the number of pounds by 2,000. The result is the number of tons.

How do you convert 3.5 tons to pounds?

To convert 3.5 tons to pounds you multiply the number of tons by 2000. So, 3.5 tons = 7000 pounds.

How do convert tons into pounds?

Multiply the number of tons by 2,000 to get the number of pounds in it.Here's an example:1 ton = 2,000 pounds

How are pounds converted to tons?

Multiply the number of tons by 2,000 pounds. Examples: 1/2 ton = 1,000 pounds 3/4 ton = 1,500 pounds 1 ton = 2,000 pounds 15 tons = 30,000 pounds 1,000 tons = 2,000,000 pounds

Which equation could be used to change pounds into tons?

( ___ pounds) * (.0005 tons/ 1 pounds) Write in the blank space the number of pounds you want to convert to tons.

What is the number of pounds as a function of a number of tons?

one ton = 2000 pounds

Number of pounds in a ton?

2,000 pounds so just double the tons and you'll have the pounds. Example:50 tons - 100,000 pounds

What is number do you multiply to get 1125?

1 and 1125.

What is 2 tons as a number?

4000 pounds

How do you put pounds into tons?

Take the number of pounds you have and divide it by 2000.

What is the number of pounds in a 3 ton truck?

3 tons = 6000 pounds

What does 10 tons equal in pounds?

Because one ton equals 2,000 pounds, all we have to do is multiply the number of tons by the conversion factor (10 x 2,000). There are 20,000 pounds in 10 tons.