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It is the tenths place followed by hundredths followed by thousandths ... etc

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Q: What is the number to the right side of a decimal point?
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Are the numbers on the right side of the decimal point the decimal numbers?

yes. any thing you have on the right side of the decimal point(.) is a decimal:)

What does adding numbers to the right side of the decimal point do?

It makes the value of the orginal number larger.

How do i turn a decimal into a fraction?

In decimal numbers the numeral on the left side of the point are the whole numbers and the numbers on the right of the decimal point are the parts/fractions of a number. So in this decimal number 3.4 ---- 3 is a whole number and 4 is a fraction or part of a whole number. Because there is only one number on the right side the 4 represents 4 tenths. 3.4 can be written as 3 4/10 ( three and four tenths). If there are two numbers on the right side of the decimal point then they are 100ths. So in this number 5.75 the .75 is 75 hundredths = 5 75/100. If there are three numbers on the right side of the decimal point then they are 1000ths. So in this number 12.357 the .357 is 357 thousandths = 12 375/1000.

Where do i put the Decimal for three tenths?

Parts of a number like 3 tenths always go on the right side of the decimal point. Whole numbers go on the left side of the decimal point 3 tenths = .3

How do you repeating the decimal into fractor?

You mean fraction. Fractor isn't a word at all. To convert a repeating decimal to a fraction, first multiply the decimal by 100. Ignore the digits on the right side of the decimal point and keep the number that is on the left side of the decimal point. Divide this number by 99 and simplify if necessary to get the fraction.

Four hundred nine and one-tenth as a decimal?

Any number is converted to a decimal by writing the integer part on the left side of the decimal point and the fractional part on the right side of the decimal point. The first place on the left side of the decimal point is called the ten's. After that, we have the hundred's, thousand's, ten-thousands, etc. On the right hand side of the decimal point, we have the tenth's, hundredth's, thousandth's, ten thousandth's, etc. So four hundred nine and one-tenth is 409.1.

Is 26 greater than less than or equal to 0.3?

26 is greater. 26 is a whole number 0.3 is a decimal number, in decimal numbers the whole numbers go on the left side of the decimal point and the parts of a number (fractions) go on the right side of the decimal point. So . 3 is not even a whole number.

What number is larger .004 or 4.00?

4.00 is larger. The whole numbers are always on the left side of the decimal point. The frations or parts are on the right side of the decimal point. So 4 is a whole number .004 is 4 parts of a whole number, it is 4/1000

Is 0.8mm the same as 8mm?

No. 8mm can be written as 8.0mm For decimal numbers the numbers on the left hand side of the decimal point are whole numbers and the numbers on the right hand side of the decimal point are parts of numbers, fractions. 0.8 is not a whole number. 8.0 is a whole number so .8 and 8. are not the same

How many significant figures are in 0.074 kg?

There are 2. An easy trick is if there is a decimal point cross off all the 0s directly afte the decimal point until you come to a number that is not a 0. any number after that is significant. If there is not a decimal point come from the right side of the number and cross of all he 0s until you come to another number

What do you call the number on the right side of a decimal?

a tenth

Is 0.2 is different then 0.20?

No, same number. When a number is to the RIGHT of the decimal point, you could add zeros to the right side and not change the value. Two tenths and twenty hundredths are the same.