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In decimal numbers the numeral on the left side of the point are the whole numbers and the numbers on the right of the decimal point are the parts/fractions of a number.

So in this decimal number 3.4 ---- 3 is a whole number and 4 is a fraction or part of a whole number. Because there is only one number on the right side the 4 represents 4 tenths. 3.4 can be written as 3 4/10 ( three and four tenths).

If there are two numbers on the right side of the decimal point then they are 100ths. So in this number 5.75 the .75 is 75 hundredths = 5 75/100.

If there are three numbers on the right side of the decimal point then they are 1000ths. So in this number 12.357 the .357 is 357 thousandths = 12 375/1000.

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Q: How do i turn a decimal into a fraction?
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Though there are an unlimited amount of ways to show a fraction as a decimal. There is only one way to turn a fraction into a decimal.

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