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A right angle.

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Q: What is the only angle a parallelogram cannot have?
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Does a parallelogram have 1 right angle?

No, a parallelogram has no right angles.Additional answerIt might do. It could be a square or a rectangle. These are both forms of parallelogram. But it cannot have just one right angle. It either has four or none.

How do you find an angle of a parallelogram using sides?

You cannot. A parallelogram can be flexed: the angles can be altered without affecting the lengths of the sides.

Can a dodecagon be a parallelogram?

No, it cannot be. A dodecagon must have 12 sides (only) and 12 angles (only). A parallelogram has to have 4 sides (only) and 4 angles (only). Hence a dodecagon cannot be a parallelogram.

If one angle in a parallelogram is it a rectangle?

If you mean if one of the angles is a right angle, then yes, because a rectangle is the only option left if it is to remain a parallelogram.

How do you find the angle sum of a parallelogram?

angle sum of a parallelogram

Does a parallelogram has right angles?

no only 2acute angle n 2 obtuse angle A right angle would make it a rectangle - still a parallelogram but a special one with a specific name.

What is a parallelogram with 1 right angle?

A parallelogram cannot have just one right angle. If it has one, all four of its angles must be right angles and so it must be a rectangle (or, as a special case, a square).

Is a parallelogram with a right angle a square?

Yes a parallelogram with a right angle is a square.

What is the name of a parallelogram with only one right angle?

No parallelogram can have only one right angle. The consecutive angles of a parallelogram must be supplementary, meaning they must add up to 180. 180-90=90, so all the angles must be right angles.

What is the only angle a parallelogram can not have?

A right angle. Otherwise it would be a rectangle. Also, no more than 179 degrees.

What is a parallelogram with four opposite angles?

cause there is only sussped to be one angle

Does a parallelogram have any right angles?

not all parallerogram have right angle only square and rectangle have right angle