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Q: What is the penalty for a canadians staying in the US for longer than 6 months?
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Possibly being deported and/or fined

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Visas are not required by Americans for stays in Belgium of up to three months within a six-month period. Americans staying for longer than three months may require a Long-stay visa.

What is prision correccional?

A penalty with a duration of six months and one day to six years (except when suspension is imposed as an accessory penalty, in which case, its duration shall be that of the principal penalty).

Which is longer 4 years or 50 months?

50 months is longer 4 years x 12 = 48 months

Does healing take longer in the cold weather?

Healing does seem to take a bit longer to heal during colder weather. This is so on account of the winter days keep individuals inside and staying inside while not doing much for months on end slows the metabolism. When the metabolism is slowed down it takes longer to heal a wound.

What is the penalty for giving false information to a police officer in UK?

If you knowingly give false information that conceals evidence to the Police, depending on the circumstances, you could go to prison for up to 18 months - longer if serious crime.

What is the penalty in Hawaii state for driving with a permit and not with a valid licensed driver?

6 months

What is the penalty for buying minors alcohol in North Dakota?

suspended license for 3 months

Is 3 years longer than 30 month?

A year is 12 months, so 3 years would be 36 months...longer than your 30 months.

Can you travel to lanzarote with 2 months left on passport?

Yes, unless your planning on staying there for longer than two months.