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During the summer (in the northern

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Q: Which months daytime is longer than nighttime?
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What happens when daytime is longer than nighttime?

It gets warmer.

Why do plants more sugar in them during daytime than at nighttime?

it is about the photosynthesis. It is happening only in the day time.

Why is it cooler at nighttime than daytime?

Because the Earth orbits around the sun, and the sun is more visible daytime. One part of the earth faces Sun during the day.

What means longer daytime?

i think it means that it is lighter outside for longer than it normally is. ... i think

What country has more of the daytime than nighttime?

Countries that lie close to the Arctic Circle, such as Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, experience periods of continuous daylight during the summer months, known as the midnight sun. This phenomenon occurs due to the tilt of the Earth on its axis.

During which season is daytime longer than nighttime?

The longest day in the northern hemisphere is June 21.The longest day in the southern hemisphere is December 21.Both dates are in the summer season, which is opposite the winter season in each hemisphere.

Why is there daytime and night time on mars?

Daytime and nighttime on Mars occur just like on Earth, due to the planet rotating on its axis. Mars takes slightly longer to complete one rotation, about 24 hours and 39 minutes, so its day is just a bit longer than Earth's. The atmosphere on Mars is also much thinner than Earth's, which affects the distribution of sunlight on the planet.

Is 3 years longer than 30 month?

A year is 12 months, so 3 years would be 36 months...longer than your 30 months.

Why do burglarys get treated differently if the burglary happens during the daytime vs nighttime?

With residential burglary - it is because the the residence is MUCH more likely to be occupied by sleeping and unsuspecting victims than during the day.

What month is day time longer than night time?

If you're living in a sub-tropical area of the earth, summer would have longer daytime than winter or any other seasons.

Does Huggies overnites diapers work better than daytime diapers?

"Huggies overnight diapers should work better than daytime diapers, since they are designed more for longer wear and more durability. Hope that helps.."

How many days are there till the end of winter?

For any given point on Earth, the length of winter daytimes is just slightly longer than the length of summer nighttimes. So if the longest daytime where you live is 15 hours, the shortest daytime is 9 hours, and if the longest daytime there is 14 hours, the shortest daytime is 10 hours, and so on. (The correlation between winter days and summer nights would be exactly the same if not for refraction caused by the atmosphere making the sun visible when it's actually a little below the horizon. That's why the length of daytime on the equinoxes is not exactly 12 hours.) Exception: Daytime at the north pole is about 7½ days longer than nighttime at the north pole, and nighttime at the south pole is about 7½ days longer than daytime at the south pole. This is because Earth travels fastest in its orbit when it's closest to the sun, which happens in early January, and it travels slowest when it's farthest from the sun, which happens in early July.