7 wrong out of 22 questions = 31.8% wrong. 15 correct out of 22 questions = 68.2% correct. I hope it wasn't a math test.
15 wrong
toget 80% you need .8 x 15 = 12 questions right. That means you can 15-12 = 3 questions wrong
40 percent wrong questions. To calculate the percentage 6 divided by 15 and multiplied by 100.
73 questions on the test, all worth the same credit. Score 79% means you got -- 58 correct (79.452%) -- 15 wrong (20.548%)
70% of 15 is 10.5 so it is 4.5 questions
The test has 25 questions and you can only get 5 questions wrong, if not you fail.You only need to get 15 questions right to pass.
The test has 25 questions and you can only get 5 questions wrong, if not you fail.You only need to get 15 questions right to pass.
If u get 1-5 wrong A 5-10 wrong B 10-15 wrong C 15-20 wrong D 20 and up u get a F
15. They allow you to get 3 wrong answers in order to pass.
No more than 15.But why miss any ?
15 questions.