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If I'm correct, the area of a square, or any rectangle (a square is also a rectangle) = side x side.

Since all sides of a square are = to each other, the area of a square = length of one side, squared.

So you'd need the square root of 81 to find the length of one side = 9. Perimeter of an object is the sum of it's sides. Square has 4 sides, so 9+9+9+9 = 36

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Q: What is the perimetre of a square if it has an area of 81 cm2?
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The area of a square is 81 cm2 What is the length of one of the sides?


What is the perimeter of a square if it has a area of 81 centimetre squares?

Area of square = 81 cm2 so side of square = 9 cm and then perimeter = 4*side = 36 cm.

What is the width of a square with an area of 81 cm2?

Use your calculator to calculate the square root of 81. Or use trial-and-error, to see which number, when multiplied by itself, gives you 81. (Hint: In this case, it is an integer.)

What is 9cm square?

This is one of those areas where there is ambiguity.A 9 cm square is a square whose sides are 9 cm and which therefore has an area of 81 cm2.But 9 cm2 represents an area of 9 square centimetres. The shape of this area is unspecified.When written in the above form, the ambiguity is less obvious but in spoken form it is.

What is the surface area of a cube with edges measuring 9 centimeters?

A cube has six faces. Therefore, its surface area is 6 times a face's area.The area of a square whose edges measure 9 cm is 81 cm2.Therefore, the surface area of a cube whose edges measure 9 cm is 6*81 = 486 cm2.

Length of a diagonal square with area of 81?

The length of a square with an area of 81 would be 9.

What is the area of a 9 by 9 square?

9 x 9 = 81 it's area is 81 square units.

The perimeter of a square is 36 in what is the area?

The area is 81 square units.

Area of 9inches square?

81 square inches.

How big of a square is 81 square feet?

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Area of circle: 81*pi square units

What is the area of a square if it is 9ft by 9ft?

81 square feet (9 x 9 = 81).