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Q: What is the point called at witch two or more lines intersect?
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Why is a concave mirror said to have real focus?

If parallel rays (for example sun rays witch are almost parallel) falls on concave mirror, they are gathered at a point, where maximum heat can be generated and it is very small point,witch is called real focus. As we can take it on screen, it is called real focus.

What was the name of the story witch was Edward Cullen's point of view?

Its called midnight sun and you can read it on Stephenie Meyer's website

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What was the lion called in the lion witch and the wardrobe?

The witch in the book The lion The witch and the wardrobe is called the white witch. She is also half a Jim and half a giantess.

What was the grand witch called in The Witches?

The high witch

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What is the female witch called?

Female: witch Male: warlock

What is an old witch called?

Mom No, seriously hag, crone, spinster.

What is a triangle witch has one angle formed by perpendicular lines?

right triangle

Who was the Yorkshire Witch?

Mary Bateman was called "the Yorkshire witch", but she wasn't really a witch. She was a con-artist.

What is the answer to a line witch a starting point but no end?

A ray.

What is the witch kings sword called in lord of the rings?

The Witch King of Angmar's sword is called The Morgul-Blade.