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Deppending on the condition of the car around 800

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Q: What is the price of a 1993 eagle talon?
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Is there a fuel pump reset button on a 1993 eagle talon?


Can you put a 1993 Eagle Talon TSI turbo in a 1993 Eagle Talon ES?

yes you can, its super easy, make sure you get the ecu though and injectors, new exhaust, etc etc.

Where is the fuel pump reset button on a 1993 eagle talon?

There is none.

Where is the starter LOCATED on non-turbo 1993 Eagle Talon DL?

on the tranny

Where is the voltage regulator at on your 1993 eagle talon?

On the 1993 Eagle Talon 1.8 liter 4-cylinder, the voltage regulator is bolted in the alternator housing. Open the hood and look on in the front engine area on the passenger side.

What engines by year or vehicle will fit into a 1993 Eagle Talon?

ny 4g63 motor out of eclipse another talon or a Mitsubishi l200 truck

When was Eagle Talon created?

Eagle Talon was created in 1990.

Will a 1991 eagle talon engine interchange with a 1992 eagle talon?


What are 1993 eagle talon exhaust manifold bolt torque specs?

they and 65 to 72 foot lbs. at leased that is what it was on my 92 talon 2.0 non turbo

How do you remove an alternator in a 1993 Eagle Talon Turbo?

take off serpentine belt and unbolt alternator

Why wont your 1993 eagle talon stay running without your foot on the gas?

Try cleaning your injectors.

What is the stock size of 1993 eagle talon speakers?

i think 6 3/4 for rear panel