19 x 73 = 1387. You can put the exponent 1 after all the numbers, but it's not necessary.
64 = 26
23 x 5
Prime factors in exponent form: 2^4 * 11
32 x 52 = 225
It is: 2^2*3^3 = 108
Prime factors are: 2*34*5 = 810
23 x 5 = 40 32 x 5 = 45
2e+0 * 5e+02 = 2.5e+2
It is: 2^2*3^3*5 =540
It is: 2^2*3*5^3 = 1500
2 x 3^2 x 5^2
The prime factorization of 900 is 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 x 5. In exponential notation, that's 22 x 32 x 52