205 = 5 x 41
1 x 5 x 415 x 41 = 205
2.05 x 102
the prime factorization of 1025 is (5x5)41 or 5 squared times 41! How to do it..... 1025 5 x 205 5 x 41
To find two numbers that multiply to 205, we need to factorize 205. The prime factorization of 205 is 5 x 41. Therefore, the two numbers that multiply to 205 are 5 and 41.
To find two numbers that multiply to 205, we need to factorize 205. The prime factorization of 205 is 5 x 41. Therefore, the two numbers that multiply to 205 are 5 and 41.
The factor tree would be hard to show so here is the prime factorization.41 times 5
The factors of 205 are: 1 5 41 205
The prime factors of 205 are: 5 and 41
205 cannot be a prime factor of anything since it is not prime.
41 x 5 = 205