With the common divisibility rules, you can quickly see that it is divisible by 5, and by 9 (3 x 3). If you divide 225 by each of these numbers, you should be able to get the remaining factors quickly, as well.
2 x 7 x 7 = 98
what is the prime factorization of 1260
The prime factorization of 25 using exponents is: 52
The prime factorization of 8 using exponents is: 23
The prime factorization of 81 using exponents is: 34
The prime factorization of 363 is 3x112.
You can always check on the divisibility of a number by dividing it into another number. But if you know the divisibility rules, you can get that information easier and faster.
The prime factorization of 112 using exponents is: 24 x 7
The prime factorization of 36 using exponents is 32x22.