467 is a prime number having no prime factor other than 467.
The number 467 is a prime number, which means it is only divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers have exactly two factors, making them indivisible by any other numbers. In the case of 467, it cannot be evenly divided by any other integer except for 1 and 467.
1 and 467. It is a prime number and is not divisible by anything else.
NO. 934 is a composite number.
Other than the number 2, all other prime numbers are odd. As 469 is odd then it must be formed by the addition of an even number (2) and an odd number (467). The two prime numbers are thus 2 and 467.
467 is already prime. No factorization is required.
Since it is a prime, 1 and 467.
467 is not divisible by any of those.
2 + 467 = 4692 + 467 = 4692 + 467 = 4692 + 467 = 469
prime because it only has two factors