It is not possible to answer the question without knowing what is missing between "of" and "and" in the question and also the value of Y.
When X and Y are prime numbers X + Y is even unless either X or Y = 2. (As 2 is the only even prime number)
3 x y x y = 3y2
If a number is "on[l]y divisible by one and [a] prime number", as required by the question, then that number is prime. Therefore it cannot be composite.
Errr. disentangling that lot... Yes. 3 is indeed both prime and odd. There is just one number that is both prime and even: I'll leave you to deduce it.
Y. Motohashi has written: 'Sieve Methods and Prime Number Theory (Lectures on Mathematics and Physics Mathematics)' 'Lectures on sieve methods and prime number theory' -- subject(s): Numbers, Prime, Prime Numbers, Sieves (Mathematics)
Composite integers each have their own unique prime factorization. Since Y and W can be any number, we can't give a more specific answer.
{x, y} = {3, 5}.
There are no factors of 200, prime or otherwise, that are larger than 200.
A prime number is a number with exactly 2 divisors: 1 and itself. Because of this, the only common divisor of two distinct prime numbers is 1, thus 1 is the gcf. So the correct answer would be: Given two prime numbers, namely x and y, the gcf is --- 1, if x and y are unequally --- x, if x=y.
#include<stdio.h> main() { int check, i, x,y,m; printf("enter the number upto which check"); scanf("%d",&check); y=1; for(m=2; m<=check; m++) { for(x=2;x<m; x++) { y=m%x; if(y==0) break; } if(y!=0) printf("%d is prime number\n",m); else printf("%d is not a prime number\n",m); } getch(); }
Prime factor both numbers or expressions and use the factors the number of times it was used the MOST in either number. 6y^3=2*3*y*y*y 18y^4=2*3*3*y*y*y*y 2*3*3*y*y*y*y=18y^4