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Sterilisation of the woman has a 0.2% failure rate. If she and her partner are otherwise normal and do not use protection, there is an 85% chance of pergnancy occurring without the sterilisation. This means there is around a 1.6% probability of pergnancy in the first year after the procedure.

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Q: What is the probability of a woman becoming pregnant if she has had a sterilisation?
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If you are referring to sterilisation then generally yes. It is a far simpler procedure.

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You can get pregnant from sexual intercourse anywhere in your menstrual cycle, although the probability would be higher if a woman were on her 14th day, where she ovulates.

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In general, there are 5 to 6 fertile days every month (the day of ovulation and the 5 to 6 days before ovulation). So there are 60 to 72 days a year that a woman has a chance of becoming pregnant.

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In rare cases yes. Normally women with fibroids have no harder of a time becoming pregnant than a normal woman. If you feel that you may be having issues you should see your Dr for an exam and to discuss your options.

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