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It depends on the context. In a girls' school, it is pretty close to 1 whereas in a boys' school it will be 0.

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Q: What is the probability of having 7 girls in a row?
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The probability of randomly choosing 1 blue sock is 7/10. The probability of randomly choosing 2 blue socks in a row is 7/10 x 7/10 = 49/100.

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The chance is 3.5/7.

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The probability of rolling 7 once with two dice is 1 in 6, o 0.1667. The probability, then, of doing that twice in a row is 1 in 36, or 0.02778.

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What is the difference between a probability and a fraction?

The probability is always a fraction except when it is 0 or 1. If a probability = 1 then it will definitely happen. If the probability is 0 then it will not happen. If you toss a fair coin the probability of heads is 1/2, and the probability of tails is 1/2. These fractions are representations of the probabilities. Not all fractions are representative of probabilities. Fractions can be used to represent a portion of a whole. Like what portion of a class is boys, and what portion is girls: If there are 8 boys and 7 girls, then the 8/15 of the class is boys, and 7/15 of the class is girls.

When a coin is tossed 7 times in a row what is the probability that heads comes up at least 4 times?


What is the probability that you will select three odd-numbered cards in a row from a bag of 7 cards?

The answer depends on the numbers on the cards in the bag!

What are the chances of rolling a 6. 7 times in row?

The probability of rolling one 6 is ( 1/6 ).The probability of rolling seven 6's is ( 1/6 )7 = 3.572 x 10-6 = 0.0003572 percent

What is the probability of not rolling a sum of 7 three times in a row?

Possible outcomes for one cube = 6 .Possible outcomes for 2 cubes = 6 x 6 = 36 .Ways to roll a sum of 7 = 6 ways,1, 6 . . . 2, 5 . . . 3, 46, 1 . . . 5, 2 . . . 4, 3Probability of rolling a 7 on the first roll = 6/36 = 1/6 .Probability of rolling a 7 on the second roll = 6/36 = 1/6 .Probability of rolling a 7 on the third roll = 6/36 = 1/6 .Probability of rolling a sum of 7 three times in a row = (1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6) = (1/6)3 = 1/216 = 0.00463 = 0.463%Probability of not rolling a sum of 7 three times in a row = 1 - (probability of doing it) = 99.537%