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The answer depends on the numbers on the cards in the bag!

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Q: What is the probability that you will select three odd-numbered cards in a row from a bag of 7 cards?
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What is the probability of drawing either three red cards or three face cards if you choose three?

Red cards will be a 1/3 chance to pick out of three cards .

What is the probability of choosing a 4 from this deck of three cards?

One out of three

What is the probability of drawing 3 black cards (spades or clubs) from a standard 52-card deck?

The probability of drawing three black cards from a standard pack depends on:whether the cards are drawn at random,whether or not the drawn cards are replaced before the next card is drawn,whether the probability that is required is that three black cards are drawn after however many draws, or that three black cards are drawn in a sequence at some stage - but not necessarily the first three, or that the first three cards cards that are drawn are black.There is no information on any of these and so it is not possible to be certain about the answer.The probability of drawing three black cards, in three random draws - without replacement - from a standard deck, is 0.1176 approx.

If a box contains three blue cards and three white cards If two cards are drawn one at a time find the probability that both cards are blue if the draws are made with replacement?

The probability of drawing two blue cards froma box with 3 blue cards and 3 white cards, with replacement, is 1 in 4, or 0.25.The probability of drawing one blue card is 0.5, so the probability of drawing two is 0.5 squared, or 0.25.

What is the probability of getting three cards of same color from a deck?

It is a certainty if you pick 5 cards.

What is the probability that the third card is a king on a three cards draw of 52 cards?

It is 0.077, approx.

What is the probability of drawing three black cards one at a time with replacement from a standard deck of 52 cards?

The probability of drawing three black cards one at a time with replacement from a standard deck of 52 cards is 1/3x1/2x26/52, which is 0.833.

When three cards are selected from the deck of cards what the the probability that all the selected are diamonds?

The probability of drawing three diamonds from a standard deck of 52 cards is (13 in 52) times (12 in 51) times (11 in 50), or 1716 in 132600, or about 0.01294.

What is the probability of picking a three at random from a standard deck of cards?


3 cards are drawn simultaneously at random from a standard deck Find the probability that all the cards are hearts?

Here number of sample points that is total possible outcomes would be 52C3.Event A = Three cards draw are hearts.So here we can select 3 hearts out of 13 hearts in 13C3 ways...Therefore the required probability would be=(13C3)/(52C3)=286/22100=0.01294Kunal K.

What is the probability of drawing 3 cards that are all face cards?

The probability of drawing the first face card is 12 in 52. The probability of drawing the second is 11 in 51. The probability of drawing the third is 10 in 50. Thus, the probability of drawing three face cards is (12 in 52) times (11 in 51) times (10 in 50) or (1320 in 132600) or about 0.009955.

What is the probability of drawing a two or a three from a deck of cards?

52 cards in a pack. 4 two's, 4 three's, hence 8 chances of drawing one of the desired cards out of the 52. 8/52 = 2/13