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Q: What is the probability of rolling the sum that is divisible by 6?
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What is the probability of rolling a sum of 7 when rolling one die twice?

The probability is 1/6.

What is the probability of not rolling sum of 6 with two fair dice?

The probability of not rolling a sum of six with two fair dice is 1 minus the probability of rolling a sum of six. There are 36 permutations of rolling two dice. Of these, five sum to six, 1+5, 2+4, 3+3, 4+2, and 5+1. The probability, then of rolling a sum of six is 5 in 36. The probability, then of not rolling a sum of six is 31 in 36, or about 0.8611.

What the probability of rolling a 6 sided die and getting a 4 or a number divisible by 3?

If the die is fair then for a single roll, the probability is 1/2.

What is the probability of getting a sum that is divisible by 6?

It depends on what the experiment is.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 12 with two dice?

The probability is 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36.

What is the probability of rolling the sum of 6 with 2 dice?

there is a 1 to 5 probablilty that you will roll the sum of 6 with two dice.

What is the probability of not rolling a sum of 11 with two fair dice?

Since there are two permutations of two dice that sum to 11, (5-6) and (6-5), and since there are 36 permutations of rolling two dice, the probability of not rolling a sum of 11 is 34 in 36, or 17 in 18, or about 0.9444.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 6 or less with two dice?

The probability is 1, if the dice are rolled often enough.

What is the probability of rolling the sum of 10 with 2 dice?

Well there is 36 different possibilities with rolling 2 6 sided dice. The probability of rolling the sum of 10 with 2 die is 4/36 or 1/8 chance.

What is the probability of not rolling a sum of 7 three times in a row?

Possible outcomes for one cube = 6 .Possible outcomes for 2 cubes = 6 x 6 = 36 .Ways to roll a sum of 7 = 6 ways,1, 6 . . . 2, 5 . . . 3, 46, 1 . . . 5, 2 . . . 4, 3Probability of rolling a 7 on the first roll = 6/36 = 1/6 .Probability of rolling a 7 on the second roll = 6/36 = 1/6 .Probability of rolling a 7 on the third roll = 6/36 = 1/6 .Probability of rolling a sum of 7 three times in a row = (1/6 x 1/6 x 1/6) = (1/6)3 = 1/216 = 0.00463 = 0.463%Probability of not rolling a sum of 7 three times in a row = 1 - (probability of doing it) = 99.537%

Find the probability of rolling a sum of 8 with two dice?

The probability of rolling a sum of 8 with two dice is 5 in 36 or about 0.1389. 2 and 6 3 and 5 4 and 4 5 and 3 6 and 2

In rolling two fair dice what is the probability of obtaining a sum greater than 10 or a sum divisible by 6?

In rolling two fair dice, the probability of obtaining a sum greater than 10 is 3 in 36 or 1 in 12, and the probability of obtaining a sum divisible by 6 is 6 in 36 or 1 in 6. Since the two probabilities come from the same population of 36 possible outcomes, the combined probability is the inclusive or of the two result sets, 8 in 36 or 2 in 9. The results that match the sum>10 target are 5-6, 6-5, and 6-6. The results that match the divisibility by 6 target are 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1, and 6-6. The results that match the combined target are 1-5, 2-4, 3-3, 4-2, 5-1, 5-6, 6-5, and 6-6.