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Q: What is the process of changing smaller numbers to larger multiply or divide?
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Explain why it makes sense to multiply when changing from a larger unit to a smaller?

because you have to multiply to break it down into a smaller number

Do you divide or multiply when changing meters to centermeter?

Centimeters are smaller ,right? If you multiply , it will get bigger, if u divide it gets smaller, divide.

When changing from large si units to smaller units what mathematical operation is used?

When changing from a larger unit to a smaller unit, there will be more of them, so you will multiply.

What is the process of changing measures from larger to smaller?


Why do numbers get smaller when multiplied by a decimal?

It's because decimals are really fractions and all numbers get smaller when you multiply them by fractions.

When you are changing a smaller unit of measurement to a larger unit of measurement do you multiply or divide?


What is the process used to change measures from larger to smaller?


When changing from smaller units of length to larger units of length you must multiply or divide?

You must divide.

Why can you multiply two decimal numbers together and get an answer less than either one of the numbers you multiplied?

For the same reason that you can multiply two proper fractions and get a smaller number than either of them. You are multiplying either decimal by a number that is smaller than 1. As a result you get an answer that is smaller than 1 times the first number.

How can you check the answer to any division problem?

Multiply the two smaller numbers and see if they equal the larger number.

Why is the answer larger when you multiply a whole number by a whole number and smaller when you multiply a whole number by a proper fraction?

It is larger because the two whole numbers form a greater, larger number when multiplpied together. It is smaller when u multiply a whole number by a fraction because a fraction is a decimal and u get a smaller number when multiplying a number like 1/7 of 5

What happens to a rational number when it is multiplied by an integer between negative one and zero?

All numbers between negative one and zero are negative. When you multiply a number by a negative it becomes negative. Also, all numbers between negative one and zero are decimals. When you multiply a number by a decimal it becomes smaller. Thus, when you multiply a rational number by a number between negative one and zero, it becomes smaller and negative.