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Q: What is the proper syntax to set the cookie named MyCookie to the value of MyValue?
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Is this a proper sentence All monies should be paid to the front desk?

Yes , syntax is correct .

What to do when your bored and in class?

Pay attention to the lesson, you just may find it interesting, and perhaps learn proper syntax.

How will you set a cookie in php?

The syntax is : setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain); And then to return it: echo $_COOKIE["user"]; And a way to view all cookies is: print_r($_COOKIE);

What is the meaning of grammar in English?

Grammar is the set of rules that defines word formation, syntax, inflections and proper usage of a language.

What is Syntax Variation?

Syntax variation refers to differences in sentence structure or grammar rules that can occur across languages or dialects. These variations can include word order, sentence formation, and the arrangement of words within a sentence. Syntax variation can impact how meaning is conveyed and understood in different linguistic contexts.

Is it correct to say Attached is the file?

While there is technically nothing wrong with that sentence, proper syntax would say, "The file is attached."

How do you prevent syntax in programming?

Not possible; syntax cannot be avoided. (Syntax errors can be though.)

Are HTML tags and syntax the same?

No. Syntax is/are the rules of the language, tags are part of the syntax.

How syntax affect setting?

Syntax is essential to any form of language. Without syntax, there is no setting, there is no way to explain it and no language. Language and setting are both comprised with syntax.

How does syntax affect setting?

Syntax is essential to any form of language. Without syntax, there is no setting, there is no way to explain it and no language. Language and setting are both comprised with syntax.