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A simple interest rate of 10 per cent per year will double a sum of money in ten years.

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Q: What is the rate of interest if a sum of money doubles itself in 10 years at simple interest?
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In how may years a sum of money at the rate of 10 percent simple interest per annum will triple itself?

30 years

What time will be required for a sum of money to double itself at 5 percent simple interest full disclose?

It will take 20 years.

How do you calculate simple interest earned?

simple interest = principle (money) times the rate times the time

The amount of money charged for borrowing or using money?

Simple Interest

How do you write out a simple interest question?

Simple interest = money invested x rate/100 x number of years

How do you do simple interest?

I=PRT I=Interest P=Pecuniary(money) R= Rate(interest) T= Time

What does simple interest mean?

Simple interest is a pre-determined amount of money. Such as - I'll loan you $100 and you pay me back $110.

How is simple interest useful in real life?

When you put money in the bank , they don't produce more , the use simple interest to charge you fees

Who invented the simple interest formula?

The first money lender, of course!

How do you figure out your total amount of money after interest?

It depends on whether it is simple or compound interest. The formula for simple interest is A = P(1+rt), where A = amount of money after t years, P = Principal, or the amount of money you started with, and r = the annual interest rate, expressed as a decimal (i.e. 7% = 0.07). For compound interest, the formula is A = P(1+r)t.

What is simple interest?

Simple interest does not compound. In other words, If you start off with $500 and get $5 in interest, the $5 you got in interest will not be included when calculating the amount of interest you will get next year. Simple interest can be calculated by the formula i = prt, where i is the amount of money earned from the interest, p is the principle (starting money), r is the rate (as a decimal,) and t is the time in years. Another formula is used to calculated the accumulated amount: A = p(rt + 1), where A is the accumulated amount.