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Q: What is the ratio of the corresponding sides of these triangles?
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Will the lengths of two corresponding altitudes of similar triangles will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides?

It is given that two triangles are similar. So that the ratio of their corresponding sides are equal. If you draw altitudes from the same vertex to both triangles, then they would divide the original triangles into two triangles which are similar to the originals and to each other. So the altitudes, as sides of the similar triangles, will have the same ratio as any pair of corresponding sides of the original triangles.

What is true about corresponding angles and corresponding sides of similar figures?

The ratio between corresponding sides or angles of similar triangles are equal

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How can you tell if two triangles are similar?

Their corresponding angles are equal, or the ratio of the lengths of their corresponding sides is the same.

What is a Similar triangles?

Two triangles are said to be similar if the ratio of the sides of one triangle to the corresponding sides of the other triangle remains the same. One consequence is that all corresponding angles are the same.

How do you prove that two triangles are similar?

You either show that the corresponding angles are equal or that the lengths of corresponding sides are in the same ratio.

Are two arbitrarily chosen equilateral triangles similar?

Yes. Corresponding angles of the two triangles are always equal, and lengths of corresponding sides are always in the same ratio.

What is a scale factor on a triangle?

If two triangles are similar, then the reduced ratio of any two corresponding sides is called the scale factor of the similar triangles

What is the ratio of corresponding sides of two similar triangles whose areas are 36 square inches and 144 square inches?

Areas are proportional to the square of corresponding sides. Therefore, in this case: * Divide 144 by 36. * Take the square root of the result. That will give you the ratio of the corresponding sides.

What are triangles whose corresponding angles are equal and corresponding sides are in proportion?

Similar triangles.

What is two triangles with corresponding angles and corresponding sides congruent called?

They are congruent triangles.

Two triangle are similar and the ratio of the corresponding sides is 4 3 What is the ratio of their areas?

area of triangle 1 would be 16 and the other triangle is 9 as the ratio of areas of triangles is the square of their similar sides