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It is 0.01315789473684210526 followed by the underlined sequence repeating.

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Q: What is the rational number 1 76 as a decimal?
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Is 76 a rational number?

76 is the ratio of 76 to 1. That's pretty rational.

Why is a repeating decimal a rational number?

A rational number is a number that can eb expressed as a ratio of two numbers. 1/3 is a rational number, with a decimal representation of 0.333333 ... .

Is 8.2 a rational number?

Yes. Any terminating decimal is a rational number. Any repeating decimal also.

Can a rational number be repeating decimal?

Yes, a rational number can be a repeating decimal. A repeating decimal is a decimal in which one or more digits repeat infinitely. For example, 1/3 is a rational number that can be written as the repeating decimal 0.333...

Is 0.05 a rational or irrational number?

It is a rational number.

Can every rational number be represented by a terminating decimal?

No, a rational number, expressed as decimal, is either a terminating decimal, such as 1/4 = 0.25, or a repeating decimal, such as 1/7 = 0.142857 142857 142857 ...

A repeating decimal is an irrational number?

Not always because any decimal that can be expressed as a fraction is a rational number as for example 0.33333.....repeating can be expressed as 1/3 which is a rational number

Convert the decimal below into a rational number. 0.1?

0.1 is equivalent to 1/10 which is a rational number

What have the same decimal a rational number a composite number or an equivalent fraction?


Examples of rational number?

1, 1/2 , 1/10111000111 and 6878983/977788 are all rational numbers a rational number is any number that you can put in form of a ratio of two integers. 1 is a rational number since 1=1/1, 2 is a rational number, -5 is a rational number ... rational numbers are also 0.5 since it is equal to 1/2. If we speak decimal numbers, a rational number is a number with a finite decimal part (e.g: 0.88 or 17.002) or a number with a repetitive infinite decimal part (e.g: 3.45454545 ... or 9.001200120012...). All of these numbers can be put as ratios. irrational numbers are numbers withan infinite, non repetitive decimal part (e.g: 0.0027587543496 ... or square root of 2 or pi ...)

Is a number with an unending decimal expansion irrational?

No. If the decimal expansion falls into a repeating pattern (however long) then the number is rational. For example, 0.33... is the rational number 1/3. or 0.04142857142857... where the pattern 142857 continues forever is the rational number 29/700.

Is 13.001001001 a rational or irrational number and why?

A rational number is a number that can be expressed as a fraction. This means it can either be a terminating decimal or a recurring decimal. A terminating decimal is a decimal that doesn't recur (repeat for ever). A recurring decimal is a decimal that repeats a pattern of numbers after the decimal point. A good example of this is 1/3. 1/3 = 0.333333.... it is a rational number 13.001001001 is a rational number. Either you meant it to recur or not it makes no difference. 13.001001001 = 13 + 1001001/1000000000 as a terminating decimal 13.001001001....... = 12988/999 as a recurring decimal ---- Examples of numbers that are not rational: sqrt(2), pi, exp they are irrational as they cannot be expressed as fractions.