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No. If the decimal expansion falls into a repeating pattern (however long) then the number is rational.

For example, 0.33... is the rational number 1/3.


0.04142857142857... where the pattern 142857 continues forever is the rational number 29/700.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

No. If the decimal expansion falls into a repeating pattern (however long) then the number is rational.

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Q: Is a number with an unending decimal expansion irrational?
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What is square root of pi?

The square root of Pi is a transcendental number whose decimal expansion begins 1.77245385090552....(and on and on) The answer is 772004514666935

Method to find an irrational number between two irrational numbers?

It is proven that between two irrational numbers there's an irrational number. There's no method, you just know you can find the number.

What is called an irrational decimal?

An irrational number is a real number which can not be expressed in rational form, i.e. in form of a common fraction. If written in decimal form, an irrational number will contain an infinite number of decimal positions without any periodic repetition. Common examples of irrational numbers are Pi (3.14159...), e (2.71828...) and any non perfect root as for example, the square root of 2 (1.41421...), the square root of 7 (2.64575...), and so on. Any real number which does not fall into the the irrational number subset, must be a rational number. The rational number thus are real numbers which can be expressed in rational form, this means as the division of two integers (remembering that you can not divide into o). A rational number written in decimal form either will have a finite number of decimal positions or an infinite numbers with a periodic repetition. For example, 0.5 is a rational number because it can be written as (1/2). Another example is 1.5 which can be written as (3/2). Any integer is a rational number because it can be written as the integer divided by 1 or by any other integer, for instance, 8 = (8/1) = (16/2) = (32/4) and so on. Example of infinite periodic decimals are for instance (1/3) = 0.3333...., (4/9) = 0.4444..., (168/999) = 0.168168168...

What is pi to the last 14 digits?

pi is a transcendental number, which is a kind of irrational number. That means that the decimal representation of pi does not end (nor does it have a recurring sequence). There is, therefore, no last digit.

Is the square root of 121 an irrational number?

The square root of 121 is 11 which is not an irrational number.

Related questions

decimal expansion of irrational number is non terminating and?

The decimal expansion of an irrational number is non terminating and non recurring​

What is the decimal expansion of an irrational no. is?

It is the decimal approximation to the value of the irrational number.

What is the decimal expansion of an irrational number?

A decimal expansion means to write out the base 10 digits of a number. Because irrational numbers do not have a closed form, the decimal expansion will always be an approximation. Consider the irrational number pi, which has the following decimal expansion: 3.14159265... Of course there are more digits to pi than that, which is denoted by the "...". It is sadly impossible to list ALL of the digits of an irrational numbers, since if there were a finite number of digits, you could express it as a fraction, which would not be irrational.

What is the difference between the decimal expansion in irrational and rational numbers?

Decimals that terminate or repeat in some fashion are rational, while decimals that expand forever are irrational.

Is the decimal expansion of an irrational number is finite?

No. It must be infinite AND non-recurring.

The square root of 5 has an unending decimal expansion but it might eventually repeat. Is this statement true or false.Explain?

If it eventually repeated, then the square root of 5 would be a rational number. Is the square root of five a rational number? As per wikipedia -- It is an irrational algebraic number.[1] The first sixty significant digits of its decimal expansion are: 2.23606 79774 99789 69640 91736 68731 27623 54406 18359 61152 57242 7089...

A decimal number is an irrational number?

A decimal number can be rational or irrational.

Is the square root of pi a rational or irrational number?

Pi, and the square root of pi, belong to a category known as transcendental numbers, which means that not only do they have an infinite decimal expansion (the numbers following the decimal go on forever) but the decimal expansion follows no pattern and is unpredictable. Irrational numbers also have an infinite decimal expansion, but not necessarily an unpredictable one.

Why does irrational numbers don't stop?

Because if they stopped they could be expressed as a ratio. Suppose the decimal expansion of an irrational stopped after x digit AFTER the decimal point. Now consider the number n, which is the original number, left and right of the decimal, but without the decimal point. This is the nummerator of your ratio. The denominator is 1 followed by x zeros. It is easy to show that this ratio repesents the decimal expansion of the number

How doen you estimate an irrational number?

An irrational number has a never-ending decimal expansion. To estimate it's value, you'd just state the expansion to some number of digits. Ex: sqrt(2) is approximately 1.4142135623730950488 pi is approximately 3.14159265358979323846

How do you arrive at pi?

The value of Pi is a constant, irrational, unending number. It is the result of dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter. Reciting from memory, its value to fourteen decimal places is 3.14159265358979

Is pi a recurring decimal a terminating decimal or an irrational number?

Pi is an irrational number