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Think of it this way.

Imagine that you are walking to town. You have two choices. You can take one step toward the town. This is a + move. Or you can get turned around and go away from town. This is a - move. Now you look at your map and if you see you are going toward town you continue with the + move. If you discover you are going in the wrong direction you make a change this is a - move.

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Q: What is the reason when two like signs integers were multiplied the answer is positive.?
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When you multiply or divide two integers how can you determine whether the answere will be a positive or negative?

If the two numbers that are being multiplied or divided have the SAME sign, the answer is positive, if they have DIFFERENT signs, the answer will be negative.

If a and b are integers when is the product positive?

When their signs are the same.

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The product of two integers cannot be "positive and negative".

Is the sum of two integers alwasys a positive?

- Always, if the two integers are both positive. - Sometimes, if the two integers have different signs. - Never, if the two integers are both negative.

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To add integers with like signs you jut put the positive in front of the answer (you just add and put a positive sign in front of it)

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They become positive integers for instance - - 2 = 2

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It is positive.

What is the rule for adding integers with like signs?

positive + positive = positive negitive + negitive = positive negitive + positive = negitive

What can you tell about two integers when their quotient is positive negative zero?

Their quotient is positive if the integers have the same sign;negative if the integers have different signs;zero if the dividend is zero (and the divisor is not).

What is the rule for multiplying integers with same signs?

The answer is always positive (or 0).

What sign do you get when you mutliply same signs?

Positive. Because a negative number multiplied by a negative number = a positive number. And a positive multiplied by a positive =a positive -8x-8=64 8x8=64

Dose a negative multiplied a positive a negative?

When two numbers with different signs are multiplied or divided, the answer is negative.