25/256 cannot be reduced. it is in its simplest form
To find the reduced fraction of 720 over 1080, we first need to determine the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the two numbers, which is 360. Then, we divide both the numerator and denominator by the GCD to simplify the fraction. Therefore, the reduced fraction of 720 over 1080 is 2/3.
580⁄720 = 29⁄36
2N = 720 2N/2 = 720/2 N or Number = 360. Double check your answer 2(360) = 720 720 = 720
16*16 = 256
18% of 256= 18% * 256= 0.18 * 256= 46.08
Yes. 256 = 162
55% of 256 = 256*55/100 = 140.8
256 = (16)2 256 = (2)8
you can multiply 7.2 by 100 =720
360 x 2 = 720