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The higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion

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Q: What is the relationship between surface area to volume ratio and the rate of diffusion?
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Related questions

How does surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect rate of diffusion?

The surface area to volume ratio of a cell affects the rate of diffusion in that the higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion. This is a directly proportional relationship.

What is the relationship between surface area and volume of a rectangular prism?

There is no direct relationship.

Explain the relationship between cell surface area and volume as a cell grows larger?

As the volume of a cell grows, the surface area grows but not as quickly.

What is the relationship between cube size and surface area-to-volume ratio?

The ratio of the surface area of a cube to its volume is inversely proportional to the length of its side.

What is the relationship between the surface area to volume ratio of a cell and its size?

The larger the surface area to volume ratio of a cell, the smaller its size (and vice versa).

What is the relationship between the percent volume not reached by the stain and the surface area-to-volume ratio?

The relationship between the percent volume (not reached by the stain) and the surface area-to-volume ratio would be that the bigger the agar cube size (surface area to volume ratio), the bigger the percent volume. This is true because resources need to travel a farther distance through the cell ("cover more ground", so to speak) in order to be evenly distributed through the cell.

What is the area to cell's outer surface in relationship to it's volume?

The surface-area-to-volume-ratio

Summarize the relationship between surface area and volume as a cell grows?

A cell is roughly spherical in shape and the relationship between surface area and volume is therefore expressed by:-The volume of a sphere of radius R is (4/3)*Pi*R3.The surface area of a sphere of radius R is 4*Pi*R2The surface area to volume ratio is therefore 3/RAs the radius R gets bigger the ratio gets smaller.

What things limit cell size?

DNA, Diffusion, and Surface Area to Volume Ratio.

How does surface to volume ratio affects heat loss?

The surface-to-volume ratio is a mathematical relationship between the volume of an object and the amount of surface area it has. This ratio often plays an important role in biological structures. An increase in the radius will increase the surface area by a power of two, but increase the volume by a power of three.

How is the relationship between formula of volume of a cone and formula of volume of a cylinder related to the relationship between the formula of volume of a pyramid and formula of volume of a prism?

The relationship between the formulas is that in all the radius is cubed.

Relationship between surface area and rate of reaction?

The surface area directly impacts the rate of reaction. Increasing the surface area of reactants leads to more exposed particles available for collisions and interactions, which can increase the rate of reaction. This is because a larger surface area provides more opportunities for effective collisions to occur, leading to a faster reaction rate.