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The surface area to volume ratio of a cell affects the rate of diffusion in that the higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion. This is a directly proportional relationship.

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Q: How does surface area to volume ratio of a cell affect rate of diffusion?
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How do you calculate the surface-area-to-volume-ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio may be calculated as follows: -- Find the surface area of the shape. -- Find the volume of the shape. -- Divide the surface area by the volume. The quotient is the surface-area-to-volume ratio.

Consider the following geometric solids. A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.3 m-1. A right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 2.1 m-1. What resul?

The rate of diffusion would be faster for the right cylinder.

Consider the following geometric solids. a sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.15 m-1 a right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal 2.2 m-1 what results w?

C- The rate of diffusion would be faster for the right cylinder

How do you calculate surface area to volume ratio?

You measure or calculate the surface area; you measure or calculate the volume and then you divide the first by the second. The surface areas and volumes will, obviously, depend on the shape.

How do you find SA ratio with volume ratio?

The surface-area-to-volume ratio also called the surface-to-volume ratio and variously denoted sa/volor SA:V, is the amount of surface area per unit volume of an object or collection of objects. The surface-area-to-volume ratio is measured in units of inverse distance. A cube with sides of length a will have a surface area of 6a2 and a volume of a3. The surface to volume ratio for a cube is thus shown as .For a given shape, SA:V is inversely proportional to size. A cube 2 m on a side has a ratio of 3 m−1, half that of a cube 1 m on a side. On the converse, preserving SA:V as size increases requires changing to a less compact shape.

Related questions

What 3 things limit cell size?

DNA, Diffusion, and Surface Area to Volume Ratio.

What is the relationship between surface area to volume ratio and the rate of diffusion?

The higher the ratio, the faster the rate of diffusion

What conditions affect diffusion?

Factors that may affect Diffusion rates are: Temperature, Concentration, Different tissue types, Molecular size, Surface area to volume ratio.

What things limit cell size?

DNA, Diffusion, and Surface Area to Volume Ratio.

How does the shape surface area and volume affect how fast magma cools?

The shape affects the ratio of surface area to volume. The greater the surface are to volume ratio, the faster the magma will cool.

A sphere with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 0.15m-1 a right circular cylinder with a ratio of surface area to volume equal to 2.2m-1?

The rate of diffusion would be faster for the right cylinder.

Why a high ratio of surface area to volume benefits a cell?

A high surface area to volume ratio allows the diffusion of water, nutrients, and wastes be more efficient. A higher surface area permits more substances through the cell membrane, and makes the diffusion process more effective and efficient. Hope this helped :)

How does Surface area to volume ratio affect the rate of transpiration?

Bigger the SA:V ratio , transpiration sucks.

What is the effect of size of uptake on diffusion in agar?

larger the size, the smaller the surface area to volume ratio, hence the slower the rate of diffusion into the agar jelly :)

Diffusion can be accelerated by?

Increasing the temperature, lighter particles, higher surface area to volume ratio and a steeper concentration gradient.

How does the surface area to volume ratio affect osmosis?

The higher the ratio, the faster and more efficient osmosis occurs.

What does a cells area surface to volume ratio affect?

the cell's ability to feed enough