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Q: What is the rule for the transformation formed by a translation 5 units to the right and 2 units up?
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(x1, y1) = (x - 8, y + 9)

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A translation of 4 units to the right followed by a dilation of a factor of 2

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the translation of 2 is the one that triangle moves by 4 units right and 8 units up

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The coordinates are (10, 5).

Which rule describes a translation that is 8 units to the right and 2 units up?

(x,y) > (x + 8, y + 2)

What rule describes a translation that is 3 units to the right and 5 units down?

For this translation, you need to replace every occurence of "x" with "x-3", and every occurence of "y" with "y+5".

What is the image point of (8,−2)(8,-2)(8,−2) after a translation right 5 units and up 2 units?

If you we're at the point (8,-2) and you went 5 units right and 2 units up, you'd be at (13,0).

How do you find the coordinates of the vertices of each figure after the given transformation?

translation 2 units up g(1,-2), l(3,3), z(5,0), s(3,-3)

Translating a triangle by 2 units will change the measures of the sides by?

Translating a triangle by 2 units will not change the measures of the sides, angles, or any other properties of the triangle. Translation is a rigid transformation that moves the entire shape without distorting it.