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Q: What is the rule of thumb stating that if there are two explanations for a phenomenon?
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What Is the rule of thumb stating that if there are two explanations for a phenomenon that the simplest explanation is more often the best one?


what Is the rule of thumb stating that if there are two explanations for a phenomenon the simplest explanation is more often the best one?

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What is the uses of gigo?

a rule of thumb stating that when faulty data are fed into a computer, the information that emerges will also be faulty.

What does rule of thumb means?

"Rule of Thumb" means a rule or principle that provides guidance to appropriate behavior.

What is thumb rule?

The rule of thumb is not intended to be accurate or reliable for every given situation. When a person is doing something by the rule of thumb, they are taking an educated guess.

The phrase rule of thumb is best understood to mean?

what does the phrase rule of thumb mean

What is the plural form of rule of thumb?

Rules of thumb

What is rule of thump?

A misspelled "Rule of Thumb"

What is the phrase the ---- of thumb?

Perhaps you're thinking of the phrase, "rule of thumb".

What is rule of thumb?

A useful principle but not intended to be reliable in every situation. Meaning the situation applies to everything because long ago the rule of thumb meant 1 inch equals your top of your thumb, so thats the rule of thumb. Over the years it has taken a more figurative meaning.

What is the rule of thumb on car braking distance?

The general rule of thumb is that you should be able to see the tires of the car in front of you touching the pavement.

What does a thumb measures?

there was a time when 1 inch was the 'rule of thumb' probably 25mm now