

What is the rule to find how many yards are in 8 yards?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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If there are eight yards total, and you need to know how many yards there are, then count them. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. There are eight yards in eight yards.

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12y ago
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Q: What is the rule to find how many yards are in 8 yards?
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How many is 8 yards?

How many what? 8 yards is 24 feet. 8 yards is also 288 inches.

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8 yards = 288 inches, since there are 36 inches in a yard.

How many yards are equal to 24 feet?

There are 3 feet per yard. To find your answer, divide 24 by 3. The answer is 8. There are 8 yards in 24 feet.

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8 yards = 7.3152 meters

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8 yards = 7.3152 metres

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8 yards is 288 inches.

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There are 24 ft in 8 yards.

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8.75 yards, or 8 yards and 27 inches.

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14,080 yards.

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50.27 yards

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8.74891 yards.