

Best Answer

Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are equally misunderstood by

substantial and virtually equal fractions of the general population.

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Q: What is the same about lines of longitude and lines of latitude?
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How are lines of latitude and lines of longitute alike?

lines of latitude and lines of longitude are the same because they just are.

Which lines-latitude or longitude-are always the same distance from each other no matter where they are on the planet?

The longitude lines are always the same distance from each other.

Where do longitude and latitude lines meet?

Every point on Earth has a latitude and a longitude. No two points have the same set of two numbers.

How are latitude and longitude the same?

They are both imaginary lines which circle the earth!

Are the lines of Capricorn and cancer lines of longitude or latitude?


What lines are parallel to the equator?

lines of latitude

Which lines-latitude or longitude- are always the same distance no matter where they are?

It's longitude Longitude goes vertically from one point and down so it is always going to be the same distance...Latitude goes horizontally so it isn't the same distance. HOPE THIS HELPED!

Are latitude lines called meridian?

Each 'meridian' is a line of constant longitude.

Lines of latitude and lines of longitude are perpendicular to?

Every meridian of longitude is perpendicular to every parallel of latitude, and every parallel of latitude is perpendicular to every meridian of longitude.

Are the parallel lines on a globe called longitude or latitude lines?


What are The lines that intercept latitude lines on a map Are lines of what?

The lines that intercept latitude lines are lines of longitude.

What lines are part of a grid system on the map?

Latitude and longitude