

What is the same thing as multiplication?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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The product of two numbers is the proceeding result when two numbers are added together.

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Q: What is the same thing as multiplication?
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no it is no such thing

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There is no such thing as a multiplication form for a single number.

Are Commutative property of multiplication and multiplication Array the same?

No. They are not at all the same thing. A multiplication array is something that you usually use when you're learning multiplication. For example: there are 5 rows of 7. Its a picture that shows something like that. On the other hand, a commutative property is 2 numbers that you can multiply very easily in your head. The numbers are between 0 and 9. If they are double digits, they're not commutative property.

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A property of multiplication, like addition, is that it can be put on any side of another expression, as long as it is all multiplication. For example, the commutative propety, 3x6, is the same thing as 6x3, they both equal 18. This is unique to addition and multipication, because 3-6, is not the same as 6-3, 10/5 is not the same as 5/10

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They are actually the same thing. 7 multiplied by 7 equals 49, and 7 times 7 equals 49. They mean the same thing, but times is a less formal way of saying it.

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Multiplication by an integer is the same as repeated addition.

Which operators have same precedence as multiplication?

Multiplication, division and modulo all have equal precedence.

What multiplication problem equals 68?

Some thing

How do you Relate Division to Multiplication?

Division is the inverse operation to multiplication. Division by a number (other than zero) is the same as multiplication by its reciprocal.

What is the identity of element of multiplication?

There is no such thing as an "identity of element". The identity element of multiplication, on the other hand, is the number 1.