36,000,000=3.6x10^7 because you must have at most one digit on the left of the decimal and at least one digit on the right. The power shows how many spaces to which side you are moving the decimal to get that number (-7 would be moving the decimal to the left to show number less than one, whereas 7 shows numbers greater than one).
3.6 × 107
14983.2 in scientific notation is1.49832x10^4
It is: 1.2065*10^1
It is: 1.315*10^7
It is: 4.4*10^3
It is: 6.66*10^2
It is: 9.01*10^-5
It is: 1.17*104
It is: 1.0*10^3
5.72059 x 102