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Q: What is the short form for copy in a letter 'CC' 'Cc' or can you use 'C' when it is only 1 individual being copied?
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Which is a polite euphemisms for being short?

Vertically challenged? See that "being short" is not impolite, until it is meant that way, or taken that way, either of which involves an individual perspective.

Are majority of thin people short tempered?

There is no direct correlation between being thin and being short-tempered. Temperament is influenced by various factors such as personality, upbringing, and individual experiences, not just weight. People of any body type can exhibit traits like being short-tempered.

What is the name for a short letter?

I think you would class a short letter as a NOTE?

Does the word bread have a short letter a in it?

No, it has a short e. Brad has a short a.

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Any letters can be used, but typically "T" is used for tall and "t" is for short. Letters are usually chosen by using the first letter of the characteristic being described, and the upper case represents the trait being dominant. Lower case represents the trait being recessive.

How do you watch a tour of Poptropica?

Go to the Poptropica site for short videos of the islands (they have been copied to YouTube but are lost in the mass of "how I beat it" videos).

What is a short addition to the end of a letter?

A short addition to the end of a letter is called a postscript.ÊTo add this addition to a letter, the abbreviation, PS, is used.

In gulf is the you a short vowel?

The word "you" is pronounced with a long vowel sound, not a short vowel sound. In the word "gulf," the "u" is typically pronounced with a short vowel sound.

Is hill a short or long vowel word?

"Hill" contains a short vowel sound. The "i" in "hill" is pronounced as a short vowel sound like in "hit" or "sit."

What characteristic of short tandem repeat DNA makes it useful for DNA fingerprinting?

The sequence of DNA that is repeated varies significantly from individual to individual.