I believe in latin "kilo" means 1000, k is short for kilo.
3 million k = kilo = thousand so 3000 k = 3000 thousand = 3,000,000 = 3 million
1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.1000 meters. "k" is short for "kilo", which means 1000.
T,Q,N,K,H,E next number
k, short for "kilo", means 1000. Just divide the number of meters by 1000.
K is short for Kilo and also for thousand, M is short of Mega and also for million, G is short for Giga and for billion, followed by: * Tera -- trillion * Peta -- quadrillion * Exa -- quintillion * Zetta -- sextillion ...and from there, you're on your own ;}
The letter "K" comes from potassium's old name, "kalium".
K is the 11th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant.You can say K in short for OK or okay.K is also in short for the no.1000.K is an abbreviation of kilo or karat.
I believe in latin "kilo" means 1000, k is short for kilo.
If by "k" you mean a thousand, just divide 1 million by a thousand to find the answer.
No, "bike" does not have a short i sound. The word "bike" has a long i sound like in "buy" or "pie."
The letter "K" has come to represent the word "thousand." K is a universal symbol for "thousand" when it is linked to a number in reference to a sum of money.
K is typically used as a short form of a thousand. So 50K means fifty thousand.
The letter K prefix to the serial number puts the year of production of your Marlin rifle as 1953.
Yes, there is a silent letter in the word "neck." The letter "k" is silent in this word, as it is not pronounced when saying the word. The "k" is there to indicate the preceding vowel "e" is pronounced as a short vowel sound.
its just short for okay
The letter"K" has several uses in today's culture. Without knowing to which context you speak of, it is hard to know which use you mean. K is the abriviation for Kilometer, and is often heard in regards to running and marathons. A number with a lower case k after it is another use for "k". This means "thousands" of a number. For instance, 2k is 2,000. The exception to the number/letter k combination is 401(k), which is a type of retirement account. Also, some people who are very lazy about writing things out will say "k" instead of "okay."