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(128 * 1 ) + (64 * 1) + (32 * 1) + (16 * 0) + (8 * 0) + (4 * 0) + (2 * 1) + (1 * 1)

128 + 64 + 32 + 2 + 1 = 227

i guess this will help.....

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Q: What is the signed integer equivalent of the binary 11100011?
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What is the highest decimal number that can be represent by 8 binary bits?

The highest unsigned integer is 255; The highest signed integer is 127.

What is the maximum count of decimal of a 5-bit binary counter?

A 5-bit binary counter, interpreted as an unsigned integer, has a range of 0 to 31. Interpreted as a two's complement signed integer, it has a range of -16 to +15.

What is 10001110101 in binary code mean?

Actually, that answer is incorrect. Binary is used to hold information. However, without a context, the information can only be translated as a number. There are two types of binary integers (ironic, right?). The first type is called unsigned. The second type is called signed. If you have an unsigned binary integer, the number can only be positive. If you have a signed binary integer, the first number indicates the sign of the number (and ONLY the sign. A position cannot mean both a value AND positive or negative). A '0' in front means positive, and a '1' in front means negative. So, if the number in question was an unsigned integer, it would have a value of 1024 + 64 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 1141. If the number in question was a signed integer, it would have a value of (-1)*(64 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1) = -117.

What is the integer equivalent represented by 2's complement of the binary number 10001011?

To get the 2s complement, change all 1 bits to 0s and all 0 bits to 1s, and add 1 to the result. So the 2s complement of the 8-bit binary number 10001011 is the binary integer 01110101. If you want that in decimal, then remember that each place value column is twice the value of the place value column to its right, and the rightmost place value column for an integer is 1. Thus 01110101 in decimal is 64 + 32 + 16 + 4 + 1 = 117 (And 10001011 as a signed 8-bit binary integer represents the decimal integer -117.)

What is the difference between signed integer and unsigned integer?

An unsigned integer cannot be negative. It has a maximum positive value twice that of a signed integer. Max signed: 128 Max signed: 256 I could be off by one there, though.

What is the difference between signed integer and unsigned integer in terms of memory and range?

Signed integer is any integer that carries negative sign while unsigned integer is any integer that carries positive sign

What is the largest decimal number that can be represented using 6 binary bits?

The largest unsigned integer is 26 - 1 = 63, giving the range 0 to 63; The largest signed integer is 25 - 1 = 31, giving the range -32 to 31.

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What is the output of the following signed binary addition 10101011 10010011?

When decoded, that binary says: «“

Meaning of signed integer in c language?

signed integer means that it has a sigh (+ or -). Using another words you say that signed variable can be positive as well as negative. unsigned variables can be only positive.

Signed binary multiplier?

Binary multiplier is taking numbers and using multiplication and division. This is used in math.

What are signed integers?

An integer is a whole number. A signed integer is one which has a minus or plus sign associated with it. The plus sign may be implied rather than explicit.