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Q: What is the smallest discrete value of electromagnetic energy called?
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Discrete bundle of electromagnetic energy?


Light spreads as an electromagnetic wave that can be created or absorbed only in discrete bundles of energy or particles called?

Quantums of energy, or quanta.

What electromagnetic waves have the smallest amount of energy?

Those are called radio waves.

Discrete packages of light energy are called what?

Discrete packages of light energy are called photons. Photons are also the quanta of all other electromagnetic radiation, not just light.

The smallest unit of matter is called?

Light is made of "photons", ie. is a little packets of energy that can carry electromagnetic radiation.

Energy that is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic what?

Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves is called radiation.

What type of energy are found in electromagnetic spectrum?

That energy is called "electromagnetic waves" or "electromagnetic energy".

What does the phrase 'energy is quantified' mean?

The phrase "energy is quantified" means that energy comes only in certain electromagnetic wavelengths. In addition to being continuous, energy can also be discrete, or come in quanta, or "packets" of electromagnetic radiation.

What is a discrete particle of energy?

A small discrete unit of energy is called a quantum of energy. The definition of quantum is a discrete quantity of energy proportional in magnitude to the frequency of the radiation that it represents.

What is a photon-?

A particle of light. Or, in general, of an electromagnetic wave.

Discrete packages of light energy are called?


Energy that does not require a medium and is transferred by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic what?

It is electromagnetic radiation