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constantly changing electric and magnetic fields

Radiant energy.

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Q: Energy carried by electromagnetic waves
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What happens to the energy carried by electromagnetic waves as the wavelength gets shorter?

As the wavelength of electromagnetic waves gets shorter, the energy carried by the waves increases. This is because energy is directly proportional to frequency, and shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies. Therefore, as the wavelength decreases, the energy carried by the waves increases.

Which item is not considered electromagnetic energy?

A piece of wood is not considered electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy refers to the energy carried by electromagnetic waves, such as light, radio waves, and X-rays. Wood does not emit or interact with electromagnetic waves in the same way that energy does.

What is the energy transferred as em waves?

Electromagnetic waves transfer energy through the oscillation of electric and magnetic fields. The energy carried by electromagnetic waves is proportional to their frequency, with higher frequencies carrying more energy. This energy transfer allows electromagnetic waves to propagate through space and interact with matter.

What is energy called by electromagnetic waves?

Energy carried by electromagnetic waves is called electromagnetic energy. These waves contain a mix of both electrical and magnetic fields, moving at the speed of light. Different types of electromagnetic waves include visible light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.

The energy you feel as heat from an eletric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves called?

The energy you feel as heat from an electric burner is carried by electromagnetic waves called infrared rays. Particles of light energy is called photon.

Is electromagnetic energy potential of kinetic energy?

No, electromagnetic energy is not a form of kinetic energy. Electromagnetic energy refers to the energy carried by electromagnetic waves such as light, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

What carries light and sound energy?

Light energy is carried by electromagnetic waves, while sound energy is carried by mechanical waves. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel through, unlike mechanical waves which require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) for propagation.

Does electromagnetic waves carry energy?

Yes, electromagnetic waves carry energy. This energy is in the form of oscillating electric and magnetic fields that can transfer energy from one place to another. The amount of energy carried by an electromagnetic wave is proportional to its frequency.

What type of energy is light from the sun?

Light from the sun is a form of electromagnetic energy, specifically in the form of visible light.

Is the transfer of energy through electromagnetic waves?

Yes, electromagnetic waves transfer energy through oscillating electric and magnetic fields. These waves can travel through a vacuum and carry energy from one place to another. The amount of energy carried by an electromagnetic wave is proportional to its frequency.

What do electromagnetic waves transport from one place to another?

Electromagnetic waves transport energy from one place to another. The energy carried by these waves can manifest as light, heat, or even radiation, depending on the frequency and intensity of the wave.

What is the energy carried by electromagnetic waves?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation. This energy is a combination of electric and magnetic fields that propagate through space at the speed of light. The energy carried by electromagnetic waves depends on their frequency and intensity.