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Q: What is the smallest marked interval of a metric ruler?
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What is the smallest division on a metric ruler?

what are the smallest units on a metric ruler?

What is a Metric ruler vs us RULER?

A metric ruler is a piece of wood or plastic, marked at millimetre intervals.The US ruler is called the president.

Is there a millimetor ruler?

Yes. A metric ruler has both centimetres and millimetres marked on it.

What are the metric ruler's units?

Centimetres, with millimetres marked but not labelled.

What does each little line on a ruler equal?

It depends. If it is a metric ruler then they are most likely to be millimetres. On an Imperial ruler the smallest may be sixteenths of an inch.

What do the smallest lines on the metric ruler represent?

something like texture, color, smell, sound and taste

What is meant by smallest division fo a linear scale?

That refers to the marks - for example, a ruler may be marked with centimeters and millimeters. The centimeter marks are somewhat longer (to distinguish them easily); the millimeter marks are usually the smallest division - the smallest unit that is marked on the scale.

What is the metric unit of measurement of a ruler?

Centimetres and millimetres are the metric measurements used on a metric ruler.

Is a metric ruler the same as a meter stick?

yes a metric ruler and a meter ruler is the same

What is the smallest length marked on a 12 inch ruler?

A millimeter, as almost every 12 inch ruler has centimeters and millimeters on the opposite side of where inches are marked.

When do you use the metric ruler?

metric ruler is used for measuring the length of the objects in mm and cm. hence ,1cm=10 mm.In metric ruler =15 cm.

How long is a metric ruler?

A metric ruler is 30 cm in length. This type of ruler is commonly called a metric foot ruler because it is similar in length to a one foot ruler.