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8, 2*2*2

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Q: What is the smallest number that has exactly three factors?
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What is a number that is less than 3 and has three factors?

The smallest number that has exactly three factors is 4.

What is the smallest natural number that has exactly three factors?

4? the factors of 4 are 1,4 and 2

What is the smallest number that has exactly three different factors?

I belive it is 4. The factors of 4 are 1,4, and 2.

What are the smallest four numbers that have exactly three factors?

4, 9 and 25.

What numbers with exactly 3 factors are?

A number has exactly three factors if and only if it is the square of a prime number.

A number that has exactly three factors?

A square of any prime number, p has exactly three factors. They are 1, p and p^2.

The number four has three factors What is the next number with exactly three factors?

The number 9: factors are 9, 3, and 1.

Answering List the smallest four numbers that have exactly three factors?

the four smallest numbers are 4, 9, 25 and 49.

What number between 40 and 60 has exactly three factors?

All prime squares have exactly three factors.49 has exactly three factors: 1, 7, and 49.

What is the least number that has three different prime factors?

If by "least number" you mean "smallest positive integer", then the answer is the product of the three smallest primes: 2x3x5 = 30

What is the smallest three-digit number that has only two factors?

101 is the first three-digit prime number.

What number has exactly 3 prime factors?

There are an infinite number of them. 8 has three prime factors, 30 is the first with three distinct prime factors.