727. The smallest palindromic number greater than 500 independent of primicity is 505.
500 is a single number which is uniquely equal to 500. There is no smallest or largest whole number to it!
None. There is only one number in 500. That number is "500" and it is not a prime number.There are 94 prime numbers that are smaller than 500.
500 is not a prime number. Other than 2, if a number is even, it is not prime since it is divisible by 2.
515 is closest to 500.
500 is a composite number
The smallest whole number that can be rounded to 500 is 450.
The smallest number that rounds up to 500 when you're rounding by hundreds would be 450.
YES, 511 is the first prime number above 500.
There is an infinite number of prime numbers after 500!