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Speed = (wavelength) x (frequency) = 0.5 x 20 = 10m/sec

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Q: What is the speed of a wavelength of 0.5 m and a frequency of 20 Hz?
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A wave with a frequency of 0.5 Hz and a speed of 10 has a wavelength of?

Wavelength = (speed) divided by (frequency) = 10/0.5 = 20

What is the frequencey of a wave with the speed of 10 and wavelength 20?

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 10/20 = 1/2

What is the frequency of a wave if it has a wavelength of 2 m and a wave speed of 20 meters per second?

Frequency = (speed)/(wavelength) = 20/2 = 10 Hz

What is the frequency of a wave that has a wavelength of 20 cm and a speed of 10 ms?

Convert the cm to meters, to have compatible units. Then use the fact that the frequency times the wavelength is equal to the speed of the wave. In this case, you can divide the speed by the wavelength, to get the frequency.

What is the velocity of a wave that has a frequency of 50Hz and a wavelength of 20 meters?

Wave speed = (frequency) x (wavelength) = (50) x (20) = 1,000 meters.

What is the speed of a wave that has a wavelength of 10 m and a frequency of 34 hz?

340 m/s

What is the wavelength of a wave with a frequency of 6000 Hz and velocity of 120 ms?

Divide the speed by the frequency

What frequency have the shortest wavelength?

For light they would be gamma rays, or waves with a frequency greater than 1 * 10^20 (10000000000000000000) Hz. And really, as a general rule, the higher the frequency the shorter the wavelength. If you want to calculate the frequency or wavelength you take the speed of light (~3.00*10^8 m/s) and divide it by either the frequency or wavelength, and your answer will be the wavelength (if you used frequency) or the frequency (if you used wavelength).

What is the wavelength of a light-wave that has a frequency of 1500000 Hz?

Use the fact that the frequency, multiplied by the wavelength, is equal to the speed of a wave. In a vacuum, light will move at 300 million meters/second; just divide this speed by the frequency.

1 The lowest pitch that the average human can hear has a frequency of 20.0 Hz What is the wavelength of the wave if it has a speed of 331 ms?

With a speed of 331 m/s and a frequency of 20 Hz the wavelength is (331 m/s)/(20 Hz)=16,55 m .

What is the frequency of a wave with a velocity of 100ms and a wavelength of 20m?

Frequency = Velocity / Wavelength = 100 m/s / 20 m = 5 s-1 or 5 Hz.

What is the relationship between wave speed and frequency and wavelength?

(frequency) multiplied by (wavelength) = (wave speed)