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The average speed of gravity on the surface of the Earth is 32.1740 ft/s2

(9.80665 m/s2)

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Q: What is the speed of gravity in Feet per second?
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How fast does a rock free fall in feet per second?

The speed keeps increasing. At any instant, the speed is 32.2 feet per second faster than it was 1 second earlier. That number is called the "acceleration of gravity".

How fast is the speed of gravity?

Gravity does not exactly have a speed, but it does cause an acceleration (on Earth) of 9.8 meters per second per second. It is also believed that gravity propagates through space at the speed of light (which is 300,000 kilometers per second).

What is the measure of the amount of gravity acting on an object's mass?

The measure of gravity is metres per second squared (or feet/sec squared) ie if the gravity is 9.78 metres per second squared (as on Earth) then a falling object will gain speed at the rate of 9.78 metres per second for each elapsed second (or approx 32 feet per second) in other words it will travel 9.78 metres (or 32 feet) further in every second than it did in the previous second.

How do you convert speed in feet per second into meters per second?

Multiply feet per second by 0.3048 to get meters per second.

Jesse is traveling at a speed of 105 miles per hour - what is his speed in feet per second?

Jesse is traveling at 154 feet per second.

What is the accerleration due to gravity?

Near the Earth it is 32 feet per second per second.

What is the Earth's amount of gravity?

The acceleration of gravity on or near the Earth's surface is 9.8 meters (32.1 feet) per second per second.

What is the increase in speed due to gravity in Physics?

The question is cryptic, but I think you are looking for 32 ft/s2 = feet per second squared

How do you convert speed in miles per hour into speed in feet per second?

To convert miles per hour to feet per second multiply by 5280 (feet in a mile) and then divide by 3600 (seconds in an hour).

Molly jogged at a rate of 6 mph what was her speed in feet per second?

8.8 feet per second.

What is the speed of light per foot?

The speed of light is 983,571,056 feet per second.

If a cars speed is 55 miles per hour how many feet per second did it travel?

80.67 feet per second.