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570 feet by 18 inches equates to an area of 855 square feet.

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Q: What is the square feet of 570 linear feet by 18inches?
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How many square feet equals 570 linear feet that is 18 inches wide?

855 square feet.

What is 570 linear feet into regular feet distance?

570 linear feet is 570 regular feet. Linear refers to the total length of an item supplied in length smaller then the total length. Eg 6 lengths of timber at 10 feet each add up to 60 linear feet.

What is 19x30 in feet?

570 square feet.

How many square feet is 30 feet x 19 feet?

570 square feet.

How many square feet is 30 feet x 30 feet?

570 square feet.

How many square feet in a room 38 feet x 15 feet?

38 x 15 = 570 square feet.

How many sq feet is 890 mm x 570 mm?

890 mm x 570 mm = 5.46 square feet.

How much of New York City is covered by buildings in square feet?

around 570 billion square feet

How many meters are there in 570 feet?

570 feet equates to precisely 173.736 meters.

If a lot is 570 by 50 how many acres is it?

1 acre = 43,560 square feet.Provided the lot is a rectangle (the corners are 90° angles) . . .570 x 50 = 28,500 square feet = (28,500 / 43,560) = 0.654 acre (rounded)

How many feet are in 570 inches?

12 inches = 1 foot570 inches = (570 / 12) = 47.5 feet

What is the speed of a car that travels 570 feet in a minute?

570 feet in a minute is the same as 6.48 miles per hour.