Square root of Pi= 1.772454
Pi = 3.14159. The square root of pi = 1.7724531...
A circle with a circumference of 10 inches has a radius of half the circumference divided by pi square rooted. r=(square root)[10/2]/pi r= 1.26156626101
Because if you approximate pi, you get pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795...Square root of 3.1415926535897932384626433832795... is 1.7724538509055160272981674833411...... which is the square root of pi.Hope that helps.
The square root of pi times pi is simply pi. Because pi*pi=pi squared, the squared and the square root will cancel each other, leaving just pi.
About 8.66025438 or 75 square rooted
The square root of 576 is 24
PI = 3.1416 SQUARE ROOT OF PI is about 1.772
If Sqaure root of Pi is the Diameter of Circle . Then the circumference is Pi X Dia . Which equals , Pi X Square root of Pi. Which is is approximately 5.56
The square root of pi is1.772453850905516027298167483314.
The square root of pi divided by seven is 0.253207693
No, pi is not used to solve a square root problem.