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The square root of x squared is x, or x to the first power.

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Q: What is the square root of x to the second power?
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How do you get the derivative of a square root?

The square root of x = x to the power of a half

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The square root of x to the seventeenth power is x to the eighth and a half power. If x is negative, the answer is imaginary.

What is the square root of x to the eighth power?

the square root of x8 is x4

What is the square root of x to the power of 6?

X to the 3rd power

What is 'x' to the power half?

Square root of x

What is the square root of 5square root of 5 square root of 5 and so on?

It seems to be 25. Call your number "x". x = 5 square root of (5 square root of (5 ...) Square it; this will eliminate the outermost square root sign: x squared = 25 times 5 square root of (5 square root of (... Dividing the second equation by the first one, you get: x squared / x = 25 x / x x = 25

How do you simplify square root of x to the 12th power?

The square root of x12 is x6 .

What is the second derivative of square root x?

It is negative one divided by 4 multiplied by x to the power of 1.5 -1/(4(x^1.5))

How do you take the square root of exponents?

You divide the exponent by 2 The square root of a number is that number to the 1/2 power So for examle square root of x cubed (x^3) is x^3 to the half power =x^3/2 (x to the 3/2 power)

What is the square root of x to the 10th power?
