

What is the squared root of 2?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is the squared root of 2?
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Squared. E.g the square root of 4 is 2, and 2 squared is 4.

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How would you factor x4-2?

(x squared plus the square root of 2) times (x squared minus the square root of 2).

What do you call a number with a power of 2?

If a number is to the power of 2 it is "squared". The number that is squared is the "root".

How do you square a square root?

The square of any square root is equal to the number itself. For example, the square of the square root of 2 squared is equal to 2. The square root of 10 squared is equal to 10.Similarly, the square of the square root of 2 is equal to 2.

What is the square root of 2 squared?

The square root of 2 squared is 2. sqrt(22)=2 The square root function and the exponent 2 and opposite function and cancel each other out. 22=4 sqrt(4)=2 =>sqrt(22)=2 What is the (square root of 2) squared - If you take the square root of a number then square it the answer is the number itself, so the answer is 2! What is the square root of (2 squared) - Looking at the question another way, if you take a number and square it, the square root of the resulting answer is the number itself, so the answer is 2! Unless, of course, this is a trick question . . . ivj

What 2 squared in a square root table equal?

2 squared equals 4 - wherever it is found!

How much greater is 4 squared than the square root of 4?

4 squared is 16 The square root of 4 is 2 Hence, 4 squared is 14 greater than the square root of 4.

Is 2 a square root?

Two is the square root of four. Yes. As 2 squared is 4, the square root of 4 is 2, if that is what your are asking.

What is -4 squared?

the square root of 4 is 2 square root 2

What is 3 square root 2 squared?

it is 18 because when you put all the numbers back into the square root it becomes the square root of 18 and the square root of 18 squared would be 18

What is a squared plus b squared equals c squared when a equals 2 and c equals 6?

b = sqrt32 or 4 root 2